My Blog...

How to feel ‘good enough’ while still trying to improve at work


Do you doubt yourself at work and worry that you’re not ‘good enough’?

Do those thoughts mean that you second-guess yourself, question your ability to do the job or worry about making mistakes and disappointing people? 

If so, you’re not alone! It’s one...

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She didn't know her ($) value

I was working with a client recently and I asked her:

“What’s your economic value to the company you work for?”

The question totally threw her. She could tell me some of her strengths (after a bit of prodding…) but she’d never really thought about herself in...

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Do you feel anxious about contradicting your boss?

Do you feel anxious about contradicting your boss?

Perhaps you disagree with their approach or think they’ve come to the wrong conclusion. Perhaps you have a new idea or think it would be useful to take a different perspective.

We’ve all been there and it can be really tough, because...

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"But what if I actually AM an imposter?"

I was running a webinar a few days ago on ‘How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome’ and someone in the audience asked me this question…

“But what if I actually AM an imposter?”

She understood, intellectually, that some people out there might believe that they...

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Stop discounting your past successes

If I asked you to tell me about 10 accomplishments that you’re proud of in your career, would you be able to?

If you struggle to feel confident at work, I suspect the answer is no. Perhaps you can only think of one or two things off the top of your head; perhaps you have to search deep...

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Assuming that people are mind-readers is a BAD strategy for career advancement

Here’s something that I’ve realised after coaching hundreds of women. We are FANTASTIC at creating economic value. We work hard, we get shit done, we’re reliable.

IF ONLY that was the sole ingredient to career success…

Now don’t get me wrong, creating  value is...

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Hooked on External Validation?

Are you always looking for external validation to feel good about yourself?

I know the feeling. You probably swing from feeling AMAZING anytime you’re praised by your boss to feeling AWFUL anytime you imagine people aren’t pleased with you. It’s a constant emotional...

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Feel like confidence is a personality that you just DON'T have?

Do you sometimes wish you were a ‘more confident person’? Perhaps you look around at colleagues and put them into ‘confident’ and ‘not confident’ boxes?

You’re not alone! It’s really natural to want to categorise ourselves and other people into...

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Perfection is NOT required for partnership

Do you think twice (or not at all…) about going for partnership because you believe you need to be so much ‘better’ to get there? Maybe not ‘perfect’, but definitely a little closer to perfect than you are right now…

After all, right now you make mistakes!...

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Everyone is more confident than me...

Do you think everyone is more confident than you?

I know EXACTLY how you feel. When I was an associate, I was convinced that everyone around me was twice as confident at me.

But here's what I've discovered over the years .... it's not true. 

The truth is, I really had no idea...

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