Waiting for Confidence

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2024

This is my regular reminder to stop WAITING for confidence.  

You don’t need to feel confident before you: 

  • Speak-up in a group meeting
  • Take the lead on that next client call
  • Put your hand for the new scary opportunity. 

Confidence in doing a specific thing comes AFTER you’ve done it.  

In the meantime, we work with what we’ve got. 

Courage. Determination. Ambition. 

You’re not doing it wrong if you don’t feel confident.  

The reality is, we can’t rely on confidence when we’re doing new things. Where we DON’T know all the answers and we probably WILL screw something up. 

Unless you’re slightly delusional… your brain will probably point that out. 

The ability to take action WITHOUT confidence is much more valuable.

That ability comes from developing a deeper sense of self-confidence.   

A feeling of security in yourself regardless of the outcome. 

And it’s something that can be LEARNED. 


If you want help with that, CLICK HERE to book a free consult. We’ll chat through your situation in confidence and come-up with one or two concrete steps that you can implement straight away to increase your self-confidence.  



50% Complete

Two Step

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