Tips to Stop Overthinking

Uncategorized Jun 17, 2024

Do you struggle with over-thinking? 

In an industry full of anxious overachievers, you are definitely not alone.  

Here are some quick tips to help:

  • Worry Bucket: Schedule 15 minutes later in the day designated just for worrying.  Until then, you’re not allowed to think about the problem. 
  • Replacement Thought: Instead of telling yourself NOT to worry about something, which clearly doesn’t work, choose a replacement thought. Make it very neutral or boring so that your brain can’t argue against it. When you start to worry, tell yourself the replacement thought. Repeat as needed. 
  • Self-Confidence: Overthinking is rooted in uncertainty about the future. Self-confidence is an antidote to that, because it involves building belief in ourselves and our ability to handle ANY future situation, no matter how challenging. Holding this belief reduces the need for your brain to overthink. 

If you’d like help building your self-confidence, CLICK HERE to book a free consult. We’ll chat through your situation in confidence and come-up with one or two concrete steps that you can take to feel more confident in yourself or show-up with more gravitas or confidence at work.  


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