Tips for Avoiding Late-Night Mistakes

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2024

Clients often ask me…

“How do I stop making “silly” mistakes when I’m working late?”

Firstly, just a reminder that you’re HUMAN. Your brain doesn’t function at 100% late at night. It’s NORMAL to make mistakes in those conditions.

Also… if it was CRUCIAL to avoid “silly” mistakes at all costs. Law firms could solve the problem by hiring more people so that you don’t have to work until midnight. 

They choose not to. Fine, but don’t beat yourself as a result. 

In any event, here are some tips to help:

  • Fuel Yourself: Your brain needs ENERGY to function. It is the main consumer of glucose in your body. It will NOT prioritise reviewing an LPA over other basic functions if it has to make a choice. So don’t skip meals during the day… even if you’re desperate to finish things and go home.  
  • Take Regular Breaks: The research is clear, short breaks improve focus, increase productivity and reduce stress. I know it’s tempting to power through your to-do list, but these breaks will save you time in the long run. 
  • Anticipate Mistakes: Accept the fact that you’re more likely to make mistakes late at night and PLAN for it. Try allowing more time to double-check work. If you’re analysing commercial terms PLUS checking for typos – do one task at a time so that your brain doesn’t have to multi-task. 

And if you’re thinking… “but Alex, I don’t have the TIME to do this”. 

Just remember that you have a HUMAN BODY. 

High performers can’t afford to ignore it.  


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