Let’s talk imposter syndrome …

Uncategorized May 10, 2024

Let’s talk imposter syndrome for a minute…

It’s not a disease. It just a couple of thoughts. 

Some version of: 

  • I’m not good enough; and
  • sooner or later, they’ll figure it out.

For me, I was convinced that I wasn’t as good they thought I was… and that my next mistake would make them realise the truth. Bring on the shame and anxiety…

I wish someone had told me they those thoughts were OPTIONAL. 

We have this amazing ability as humans to observe our thoughts, decide whether or not they serve us, and change them if we want to. 

The process is simple, but it’s not always easy. 

Most of us can’t go from believing that we’re not good enough, to believing that we’re the best lawyer that ever existed. Our brains won’t accept it. 

That’s why positive mantras don’t work. 

Instead, try finding a thought that is just slightly more neutral or positive. 

It took me a bit of time to really believe in my economic value and accept the fact that it existed DESPITE my mistakes and gaps in knowledge. 

The first step, for me, was to think: 

  • Who cares if I AM a fraud? 

If I’m a fraud, then I’ve managed to get myself a fantastic job, with a great salary, whilst fooling everyone around me that I know what I’m doing. Ha. Good for me. 

That thought kept me going until I was able to see my actual value. 

Try it on for size. 

Because, honestly, if you’re fooling them, that’s impressive. 

Keep going. 


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