Knowledge does NOT = confidence

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2024

I used to think that, to feel more confident and stop second-guessing myself, all I needed to do was learn MORE. 

Surely, more knowledge meant less mistakes and tons of confidence… 

Sadly, every year I stepped up a qualification level, which meant that people kept asking me more difficult things! 

I never reached that magical point where I finally knew “everything”. 

Here’s the thing, obviously building knowledge is important. 

But it is NOT the solution to increasing your confidence. 

We need to reduce your fear of mistakes. Because you WILL be making them. At every level. No matter how hard you work and how much you know. 

Start by getting crystal clear on your ECONOMIC VALUE. 

  • What valuable skills, knowledge and relationships do you have? 

Once you realise how economically valuable you are to your firm, it’s harder for your brain to make the case that one mistake is life threatening.





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