I'm not a mind reader

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2024

Hey {{first_name}}

Something I hear all the time from my clients is…


Are you a mind-reader? How do you know exactly what I’m thinking?”


 It’s not magic. I’m not secretly bugging their home.


I know what they’re thinking because I thought those things myself, and I’ve heard the same thoughts HUNDREDs of times from the (very successful) women I work with. 


So, please know that if you:

  • Worry about whether you’re “good enough”
  • Feel exhausted from constant fear of mistakes and negative opinions
  • Sometimes question whether you’re “cut-out” for it…


You’re not alone. 


In fact, you’re in very impressive company. 


And I know that right about now you’re probably thinking…


I can see that OTHER people who believe they’re not good enough objectively are, but I’m different, I’m ACTUALLY not good enough…”


Ok. Guess I must be back to the mind-reading again. 


Or…. perhaps I’ve heard that one too, and your BRAIN is just doing the same thing as theirs. 


If you’re open to that possibility, then you’ve taken the first step in turning things around.  


Which is understanding that your brain might not be telling you the “truth”. 


I’ve leave you to ponder on that.



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