Dealing with a "difficult" boss

Uncategorized Aug 01, 2024

Being a lawyer is hard enough… without having to work for someone who’s reactive, unpredictable or lacking in basic leadership skills. 

If I could wave my magic wand and change them … I would.

In the meantime, here are some tips to help you navigate working with them.

  • LIMIT: the amount of time you spend thinking (or talking…) about how “difficult” they are. Those thoughts only create negative emotions for YOU. It won’t change them.  
  • STOP: making their behaviour mean anything about you. It is ALWAYS driven by their own experiences, thoughts and emotions. You do not cause it. EVEN if you screwed up a piece of work …. their reaction is only EVER about them.   
  • MODEL: a different way of working with people. You can’t change your boss, but you can decide how YOU want to show-up and make an impact on your team. 

None of this is an attempt to ignore bad behaviour. The tips are for YOUR benefit not theirs. You can acknowledge their flaws, while ALSO limiting the power they hold over you. 

By the way, working for “difficult” people can really damage confidence if you’re relying on external validation or haven’t built “boss-proof” INTERNAL confidence.  

This is where a self-confidence practice is crucial. 

CLICK HERE to sign-up for my FREE mini-course on building confidence. 

I know you’re busy, so I’ve condensed the course into four video lessons, each less than 10-minutes in length.  Click here to sign-up now.


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