Fear of being seen as ‘arrogant’

Uncategorized May 08, 2024

Do you ever worry about sounding ‘arrogant’?

Perhaps if someone asks you to talk about your strengths or successes…

You feel the urge to minimise, give credit elsewhere, avoid the conversation entirely, or change the subject as soon as humanely possible! 

And the CRAZY thing is, we often prioritise that over career progression. 

I’ve worked with lawyers who have: 

  • stayed silent about their ambitions for promotion; 
  • avoided talking about their economic value during reviews; 
  • downplayed their experience during interviews. 

All because they feared sounding arrogant or presumptuous. 

Not good if you have big dreams for a successful career. 

If you see yourself in this, don’t worry, we can EASILY turn it around. There are ways to talk confidently about your ambitions and economic value WHILE ALSO acknowledging shortcomings or areas where you still have room to grow. 

A self-confident person is someone equally able to do BOTH.    

Click HERE to sign-up for a free consult and we can map-out exactly how this is showing up for you and come-up with some simple scripts for these conversations. 

BTW, if you think your only value is “working hard”, please book a free consult IMMEDIATELY. Impossible to talk about your value if you can’t even see it. 


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